Who has seasonal allergies! Me- I do!
These remedies are based on doctors recommendations, natural remedies, general wellness and more. This is for people who have multiple low level environmental allergies, and not life threatening or food related allergies. Please take what works for you and leave the rest. As always- if there is a concern- talk to your doctor.
The first thing to do is cut down your allergy load. If you have allergies, there is a rating (1-10) for how allergic you are to something. It is now known that your allergic load (the accumulative affect of your multiple allergies) can have a similar affect as more significant ones.) Here are ways that can help….
Make your bedroom an allergy free zone. You spend up to 1/3 of your life in your bedroom and if you can limit allergies there, it can give your body better rest. Depending on your allergies, you could
- No zone for animals
- Remove down bedding and replace with allergy free materials including coverings for pillows and mattress that can be washed. (And wash them frequently. Heat in dryer is good for the pillows)
- Have hepa air filters going and keep bedroom windows closed
- Remove anything extra that could encourage dust and mold- including bookcases, carpeting.
Reducing the load in the rest of the house:
- Air filters (I especially like the Molekule)
- Frequent vacuuming (with hepa filters)
- Eliminating wall to wall carpeting
- Cover everything (couches, chairs) and wash the coverings frequently
- Reduce the number of things that gather dust.
- Hiring someone else to do the dusting
Limit the number of “fragrances” you use in the house and use natural products instead
Note: An average adult is exposed to more than 700,000 different toxic chemicals on a daily basis.
- “Fragrance” on labels can cover multiple of chemicals that don’t need to be individually listed. Even “unscented” can be misleading. Additionally, the EWG says “ fragrance formulas are considered to be among the top 5 known allergens, and can trigger asthma attacks. The top guilty are fragrances in cleaning products, scented candles, dryer sheets, dish washer detergent and air fresheners.
- Using more natural products or natural essential oils means you cut down on indoor pollution – especially important if anyone in your family suffers from allergies, asthma or other chronic illness… Note: allergies to individual products can still occur, but provide less toxic load than unsafe checmicals.
- And using essential oils makes the house smell great!