Tapping for Anxiety
Rate your anxiety… Breathe in. Eyes closed or open.
How much stress or anxiety do you feel. Give this anxiety/stress a number rated between 1-10.
Open your eyes.
While Karate chop side of hand with 4 fingers- Note: you can make these words fit you
Even though I feel so much anxiety-
About (everything that’s going on)
I choose to relax and feel safe now.
Even though (this) feels so (overwhelming)
I chose to relax and feel safe now
Even though I am holding so much stress in my body
Its safe to let go now
Tapping points: Focus on the stress/overwhelm as you hit the tapping points
that fire the brain… 5x each point, until rate stress level as much less.
See chart
There is so much going on and that’s ok
It is safe to feel this anxiety and stress
It is safe to begin to let this go
It is safe to feel this anxiety and stress
It is safe to breathe deeply
I acknowledge all my stress
And I begin to feel safe in my body
The more I relax
The more my body heals
The more I relax
The more my body heals
Letting go now
Breathe in and check,
Check in with your anxiety/stress/overwhelm. What is your new number….?
Setting the reduced anxiety level- After reducing the rating to 4 you can stop!
Here is a video link!